Dietary Advice, Szolnok (Internal medicine) 1 clinics' services (148 Internist, 134 Gastroenterologist, 133 Dietetic, 136 Cardiologist, 133 Nephrologist, 134 Oncologist, 137 Pulmonologist, 133 Diabetologist)
Description, questions
The dietary advice on the one hand serves to maintain health of healthy people, on the other hand is required due to individuals of a disease or medical condition customized nutritional and lifestyle advice.
Szent István Egészségház és Patika
Internist Gastroenterologist Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor Gynecologist Urologist Dietetic Andrologist Geneticist Neurosurgeon Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Ophthalmologist Midwife Pulmonologist Diabetologist
5000 Szolnok, Verseghy út 5.